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Elena ID# 78631 Age: 43 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Kiev, Ukraine brown-haired hair 55 kg 169 cm Leo Total photos: 7
Kristina ID# 92675 Age: 26 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Zaporozhye, Ukraine brown hair 58 kg 182 cm Leo Total photos: 10
Alla ID# 71063 Age: 36 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Nikolaev, Ukraine brunette hair 57 kg 172 cm Leo Total photos: 16
Elena ID# 93101 Age: 55 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Zaporozhye, Ukraine red-haired hair 59 kg 164 cm Leo Total photos: 10
Ilona ID# 94767 Age: 35 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Lutsk, Ukraine brown-haired hair 56 kg 165 cm Leo Total photos: 24
Marina ID# 91766 Age: 29 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Kiev, Ukraine peroxide blonde hair 50 kg 165 cm Leo Total photos: 13
Alla ID# 81435 Age: 44 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Nikolaev, Ukraine black hair 70 kg 176 cm Leo Total photos: 49
Lyudmila ID# 53821 Age: 44 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Vinnitsa, Ukraine blonde hair 64 kg 164 cm Leo Total photos: 8
Tat'yana ID# 78504 Age: 44 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Poltava, Ukraine dark brown hair 55 kg 162 cm Leo Total photos: 5
Anna ID# 91431 Age: 30 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Dnipro, Ukraine brown-haired hair 53 kg 178 cm Leo Total photos: 8
Yuliya ID# 62575 Age: 46 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine dark brown hair 65 kg 170 cm Leo Total photos: 10
Valeriya ID# 62493 Age: 34 Bikini Brides Birthday 27 Jul Kharkov, Ukraine brown hair 45 kg 160 cm Leo Total photos: 23

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